HRR at “Run Frimley” Charity Event! Sun 4th May

Run Frimley 2025 is a hugely poplar local charity run that has always attracted a strong community following.

Around 1,200 runners take part each year.

The event takes place on closed roads with a 5k or 10k race to chose from.  There’s even a 1k fun run to make sure everyone in the family can take part!

There will be lots of Hart Road Runners taking part on Sunday 4th May, so this message is about making sure you save the date, and keep an eye out for further updates on the website and on our Facebook page.

We really want to make this into a proper community event for Hart Road Runners at Run Frimley, and will be taking our flag so you’ll know where to cheer on the runners with other HRR people.  Someone might even bring along some cake/flapjacks!

So in the coming weeks we’ll figure out a way (probably using Facebook) of seeing who’s interested in running, supporting/cheering, pacing other runners, eating cake, drinking etc. 🙂

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