A local handicap series of 21 local races

The Multi-Race Challenge (MRC) is a handicap series of 21 local races over the year starting with the London (or other) Marathon in April through to the Fleet Half in the following March.  

You will have a target time for each race based on your previous results, and score points based on how well you do against your target. For new members without a previous result a default score is awarded for your first race, then specific personal targets will be calculated thereafter.    In addition a few bonus points are also available if you compete in any of the winter cross-country events

At the end of the season the points from your best 9 races are totalled along with  any cross country bonuses and a trophy is awarded.  Note that the winner isn’t necessarily especially fast – but will generally have improved steadily over the season and probably have completed at least 9 races.   

Scoring:  12 points are awarded for hitting your target, +/- 1 pt for each 0.5% difference.  A maximum of 30 points can be scored, a minimum of 2.    You will also get a bonus of 3 points for every cross country event you turn up for, up to a  maximum of 12 points.

Targets: If you beat your target time, the next target will be based on that faster time (less 1% slack)   If you miss your target time your next target time will be eased by 1%.   So targets will get steadily tougher if you are performing well, and become easier if you are going through a dip in form.