UK Endurance Running Coach Sessions at HRR – Not to be missed!

Brighton Marathon

We are very fortunate to be able to take advantage of this fantastic initiative at our very own HRR club. Thanks go to Kevin Munt for arranging this great opportunity coming our club training sessions in the Autumn. Below is some information from Kevin.

English Athletics offer an initiative to road based running club’s called Club Run. This initiative offers the services of a top class running coach who visits the club on three occasions over consecutive months. Hart Road Runners have been successful in their application and have been awarded the services of Nick Anderson.

Nick Anderson is a full-time endurance running coach who coached the UK endurance squad in the build-up to the recent IAAF World Championships in London. This is a fantastic opportunity for our club’s athletes and coaches to benefit from such extensive knowledge and experience.

Nick’s sessions will be held on Tuesday 19th September, Thursday 12th October and Thursday 9th November 2017.
(Please note the two Thursday dates are swapped with the normal Tuesday speed sessions in the same week. So the Tuesday training will be the longer tempo run sessions starting at 19:00. There is no clash with the Monthly handicaps).

The Club Run sessions will start at 19:00 for the club’s coaches, with the normal 19:30 start for athletes (this is for both the Tuesday and Thursday sessions).There will be a Q & A forum with Nick for all attendees after the training session to be held in the HLC.

We want as many members as possible to attend these ‘Club Run’ sessions with Nick, so please get these dates in your diary now

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